Restaurant Real Time Sales on Mobile - Dyne Live Sales Monitoring System for Restaurants
Dyne Live Sales module truly frees the restaurant owners from being tied to their outlets.
Restaurant owners get a 360 degree real time view of their sales status on their smartphone. Updates include food / liquor / beverage breakup, dine in and delivery sales.
The running table occupancy status and APC (average per cover) trackers provide opportunity to owners to move unsold table inventory quickly.
View order modifications and cancellations as they happen. Keep track of discounts and complimentary sales as soon as they are made.
No more next day reporting. No more waiting for the EOD.
The Dyne Live Sales Monitor is your powertool to catch the pulse of your business now.
The Dyne Live Sales Monitor complements Dyne Remote Reporter that automatically ends POS EOD status to authorised persons.
Dyne Live Sales Monitor Features
- Multi Outlet Monitoring Capable/li>
- Table Occupancy Status
- Table wise running sales
- Running unbilled KOT total
- Running Average per cover
- Sale by Mode of Payment
- Dine-In, Delivery, Take Away Sales breakup
- List of Discounted, Complimentary bill alerts with reason
Dyne Live Sales Monitor Benefits
- Quick tool to decide sale of unsold tables via flash schemes etc.
- Realtime visualization of any discounting or complimentary sale activity and opportunity to seek immediate explanation regarding the same.
- No more waiting for after the fact action.
- Know what customer love about your establishment